Winners of the Fifth Edition of the Calise Award Announced

Il caporedattore de “Il Mattino” Vittorio del Tufo
Il caporedattore de “Il Mattino” Vittorio del Tufo
Monday 6 May 2024, 16:17 - Last updated : 17:26
2 Minutes of Reading
The editor-in-chief of "Il Mattino", Vittorio del Tufo, and the TG1 correspondent Alessandra Barone are the winners of the fifth edition of the Calise Award. Established in 2017 in the year of the passing of the historic reporter of "Il Mattino", Giuseppe Calise, the award is given annually to journalists who have particularly distinguished themselves in investigative work. "A prestigious writer and leading journalist of the daily Il Mattino as head reporter and central editor-in-chief, but in particular as an essayist and interpreter of the 'magical Naples' as evidenced by his books that bring to life stories and legends of the city that deserves to be known". These are also the literary reasons for del Tufo's award. "One of the best, and most professional, expressions of modern journalism, both in print and audiovisual, appreciated for the commitment displayed in various sectors (news, culture, society, sports) as a correspondent in Italy and abroad" are the reasons for the award to Alessandra Barone. The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 8, at 12 p.m. in Naples at NapHub Event Space at Villa Sanfelice di Monteforte, headquarters of the Salvatore Foundation. Presenting the awards will be, along with the coordinator of the Award, Ermanno Corsi, the Vice President of the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Federico Cafiero De Raho, the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, the director and the deputy director of "Il Mattino", Roberto Napoletano and Francesco De Core.
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