Worker Out of Life-Threatening Condition After Hydroelectric Plant Explosion

Un momento di dolore per la tragedia di Suviana
Un momento di dolore per la tragedia di Suviana
Friday 12 April 2024, 11:23 - Last updated : 15:21
2 Minutes of Reading
Jonathan Andrisano, the 35-year-old worker, hospitalized in intensive care at Sant'Orsola in Bologna, injured after the explosion of the Bargi hydroelectric plant, is out of life-threatening condition, the hospital reports. Already yesterday, continuous improvements for Andrisano were recorded. The worker from the plant, who is originally from the Bolognese Apennines, is hospitalized. The condition of the 42-year-old patient hospitalized in the Major Burn Center of Bufalini Hospital in Cesena, following the injuries sustained in the tragic explosion, remains unchanged. The patient is still in critical condition and continues to be sedated and intubated, while intensive care by the medical staff continues to avoid complications caused by severe burns on about 20% of his body, especially on the hands. In critical but stable conditions is the 54-year-old patient hospitalized at the hospital in Parma, who was visited by family members from Veneto. Stefano Bellabona, 54 years old, a technician from Noventa Padovana, has burns on almost half of his body and is undergoing treatment. The fourth injured, the Venetian Sandro Busetto, 59 years old, is hospitalized in Pisa in the Major Burns department.
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