Writers for the Constitution: A Series of Meetings on Constitutional Articles in Campania

Il terzo appuntamento della rassegna all'auditorium Rai di Napoli
Il terzo appuntamento della rassegna all'auditorium Rai di Napoli
Wednesday 10 April 2024, 10:35
2 Minutes of Reading
Four meetings for four constitutional articles, featuring writers, artists, intellectuals, and especially the youth of Campania's schools. From March 15 to April 19, the series "Writers for the Constitution", conceived by Campania Legge - Fondazione Premio Napoli and the Regional School Office for Campania in partnership with the Rai Production Center in Naples, marks the 75th anniversary of the constitutional charter. Work, environment, equality, repudiation of war. These are the themes that will be addressed in the series, starting from the Constitution's birthday, an opportunity to call today's generations to that mandate, relaunching its spirit and contents in the present; the critical and in-depth reading of a selection of the first articles becomes a point of reflection and treasure for today's society. Thus, Campania Legge - Fondazione Premio Napoli, committed to spreading culture among the new generations through reading, has signed an agreement with the Regional School Office for Campania aimed at studying the constitutional charter through books - novels and essays - that address some points established in the first articles, inviting some authors to discuss them in front of the young people in the company of other figures from the world of culture and law. The project was then adopted by the Rai Production Center in Naples, which supports the final phase; the meetings are held in the center's auditorium, all starting at 10. After the debut on work and the episode dedicated to the environment, equality is the topic of April 12. After the greetings of Parlati, Benigno Casale, the school office's referring teacher, and the magistrate Alfredo Guardiano, coordinator of the Naples Prize jury, the writer Sabrina Efionayi, author of Addio a domani (Einaudi), and the director, actor, and writer Gianfranco Gallo take the floor; coordinated by the journalist Giovanni Chianelli. The series concludes on April 19 with the repudiation of war. After the greetings of Parlati and Annamaria Fierro, school principal and head of the School Office, there is a video message from the writer Colum McCann, author of Apeirogon (Feltrinelli); Pasquale De Sena, president of the Italian Society of International Law and the European Union, theologian and writer don Gennaro Matino, journalist Marc Innaro, and actor Patrizio Rispo participate; coordinated by Guardiano.
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